Mandatory Paternity Testing

Mandatory Paternity Testing: 3 Best Situations It Should Be

Should DNA Paternity testing be mandatory? If you’re asking me, Yes! I believe it is important for everyone to know their genetic history/lineage. Science has determined that animals past on life experience traumas in the form of the epigenome to their offspring. According to scientists, this can be traced back at least 14 generations.

What does this have to do with paternity testing being mandatory in the U.S.? Everything! If a man is uncertain about his relationship with a child. I believe the mother of this child should probably want to know more than the alleged father if there is a biological relationship between the alleged father and child.

Understanding who the biological father is will can give great insight into the challenges the child may face in the future. Both personally and genetically. When an alleged father is deemed the legal father of a child that is not his own. The child loses the opportunity to fully understand who is where he or she is. Not knowing your history sets a child back tremendously. It is some instances it can cost the child its life.


Below are the 3 most common situations in which a paternity test should be mandatory.

1.  After the birth of a child: If a law is to be put in place to mandate mandatory DNA paternity testing. This is the best starting point.

2. During Child Support cases: If for whatever reason an alleged father has not performed a paternity test at birth and he has to go to court either to prove he is the father for custody or, to prove he is not the father to potentially end making future child support payments.

3. Estate cases: When an alleged father dies and he has children with several women and the kids do not know each other. This scenario can get very distorted quickly.

What tends to happen in estate cases often times is, a child unbeknownst to the deceased man’s core family members appear when the estate is to be settled amongst the family. Although the alleged child may not expect anything from the alleged father’s estate. Many times what they want is the connection to sort out where he or she may come from.

If you would like to learn everything you would need to know about the paternity testing process and much more. Please check out my new e-book “Are You? Or, Are You Not The Father” The Complete How-To Paternity Testing Guide today on Amazon here.





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