Recently, I was asked by an associate of mine if it was possible to have his name removed from a birth certificate if he is not the biological father of the child but, considered by the state to be the legal father. So today, I decided this would be a good opportunity for me to share my thoughts on how one might get this done.
In order for a legal father to have his name removed from a birth certificate. He must first file a petition with the court. The reasoning for removal must be viable for grounds for name removal on the birth certificate.
The first thing the legal father must do if he is filing a petition is to disestablish paternity by way of a DNA test. This will be the most convincing evidence for a legal father to convince a judge to consider name removal.
Once the Judge approves your petition the Judge will issue a court order for the name change. It is important to make sure the court order specifically states that the legal father name is to be removed. If this small detail is not performed you run the risk of the Vital Records Department not removing the father’s name in the event you forget this detail.