Paternity test meaning

Paternity test meaning
A paternity test is a DNA test that helps determine whether an alleged father is the biologically related to a child. This type of DNA test can be performed by using a blood sample. Although, the most common sample collected is via buccal swab.
The average turnaround for a DNA result is 3-5 business days. IDTO DNA Test Center performs paternity test with an average turnaround time of 2-3 business days.
How does a paternity test work?
Getting started is simple. Contact a company like IDTO DNA Test Center. Next, a DNA Expert will confirm they a facility located in your city. If so, an appointment will be scheduled. Once your samples are collected, they will be mailed out to the lab for DNA analyzation. After the lab analyzes your samples. Your assigned caseworker will notify of the completion of your result and a physical copy mailed out to your home.
How soon can a paternity test be done?
The earliest a paternity can be performed is during pregnancy of the mother via blood sample collection. The process is formally known as a non-invasive prenatal paternity test. The earliest this process can be performed is 10 weeks into your pregnancy.
There are two other prenatal options as well.
1. Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)which requires the assistance of your OBGYN and this process begins at 10-13 week.
2. Amniocentesis – also requires the services of an OBGYN at this process can begin around the 14-20 weeks.
Both of these options are known as invasive prenatal paternity test and carry a much higher risk. In fact, these processes will normally not be considered as an option for paternity alone. To my knowledge, a paternity test can be performed only if an OBGYN deems the procedure necessary.
The cost for both tests is separate than the paternity test. Which makes these options a bit more expensive.
Now, the most effective and least expensive way to handle a paternity test if your situation allows is, to carry the child to term. Once the child is born and there are no complications. A DNA test can be performed a day or two after the birth either at the hospital via a mobile collector. Or, once the mother is released from the hospital. Samples will most like be collected via buccal swab.