Voluntary Paternity Acknowledgement v Birth Certificate: The Difference

Paternity Acknowledgment vs Birth Certificate Differences Many people often ask me about signing a birth certificate at the hospital. When I am faced with this question. I respond by explaining that you do not sign a birth certificate at the hospital. What you are signing is an acknowledgment of Paternity form. Once an alleged father…

11 Reasons for Passport Denial

Your Not The Father 11 Reasons for Passport Denial Passport Photos – Not following the passport agency’s exact photo specification of 2” x 2” Child Support – Delinquent child support payments can affect your ability acquire a passport Letter of Authorization –This form is only required if you are using an expediting service. A Letter of Authorization…

I’m on The Birth Certificate, But Not The Father

Your Not The Father I’m On The Birth Certificate But Not The Father A man who voluntarily signs a birth certificate and then finds out later that he is not the biological father of a child in which they signed an acknowledgment of paternity form. Can be considered a victim of paternity fraud potentially. I say potentially…